Microbes: Friends or Foes?

Microbes: Friends or Foes?

Where can you find a billion microbes? Believe it or not, if you go to the mirror and open wide, you’ll find them in your mouth!

That may sound a bit alarming, but many microbes, which include bacteria, fungi, and viruses, are our friends. They can do miracles such as help prevent tooth decay, boost our immune system, and serve as our body’s natural detoxifier. Without bacteria, many important functions wouldn’t take place: We couldn’t make cheese or butter, decompose waste, or create drugs such as antibiotics and vaccines.

However, some microbes are harmful. Pathogenic bacteria can make us sick and, in extreme cases, kill us. These germs, which spread through air, water, food, or physical contact, thrive in unhygienic conditions where they can grow quickly.

Common Places Harmful Microbes Call Home

Studies show that the highest number of harmful microbes in our home or business are found on common, everyday fixtures: dishwashing sponges, toothbrush holders, kitchen sinks, coffee reservoirs, kitchen countertops, stove knobs, pet toys, toilet seats—and even refrigerators.

These surfaces provide a good environment for bacteria to abound for numerous reasons:

  1. They are used and touched frequently each day, often by many people.
  2. They are exposed to germs from many sources, including unwashed hands, food particles, and pet dander and saliva.
  3. Some of these items are always damp and in warm temperatures—the ideal breeding ground for microscopic monsters.

Water Damage is Another Culprit

Leaky pipes, damp rooms, standing water–any place with excess moisture–can lead to the growth of harmful fungi, mold, and bacteria that could release dangerous airborne particles. In addition, harmful bacteria such as Salmonella, E. coli and Listeria can reside in plumbing systems or faucets that continually drip, potentially contaminating food products. Mold from water damage presents numerous health risks, including hay fever-type symptoms, asthma attacks, and eye and throat irritation.

Insects and Pets Bring Outside Dirt Inside

Insects and animals also act as carriers of disease-causing microbes. The pesky housefly starts its journey outside, sitting on garbage and animal excreta. It then comes indoors and lands on our tabletops, dishes, and uncovered food, transferring pathogens to our bodies. Cats and dogs bring germs indoors from their fur, paws, dander, and saliva. When our pets go outside, they step in dirt, puddles, and feces while attracting fleas and ticks. Any bacteria or parasites they collect are dragged in and end up polluting our living and working areas, exposing us to possible illness.

No Worries—You’ve Got Bactronix!

Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about any of these problems, thanks to Bactronix.

Bactronix provides leading-edge services to help identify, monitor, and control microbial populations in the home or business environment. Our professional team of certified technicians uses advanced techniques such as microbial air and surface testing to accurately detect the presence of potentially harmful microbes.

We apply the patented, eco-friendly Bactronizing Process, that cleans, disinfects, and protects surfaces against harmful bacteria, viruses, mold, mildew, and odors. Our “state-of-the-smart” technology uses an electrostatic sprayer that covers 100% of surfaces in an area. This anti-microbial coating delivers a germ-killing solution thoroughly and evenly, including impossible-to-reach areas where microbes migrate and breed. Say good-bye as well to dangerous biofilm and other invisible threats such as algae and VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compounds).

Furthermore, our exclusive Bactronizing Process has been proven effective at not just eliminating mold but keeping it from coming back. Best of all, it is 100% safe for family, pets, and the environment. 

Warmer weather is almost at the door, so call today and let us do your annual spring cleaning. You deserve the break, and we’ll have you breathing easier in no time!